
Indian mutiny of 1857
Indian mutiny of 1857

  • Then, gathering force rapidly, soon embraced a vast area from the Punjab in north and Narmada in south, Bihar in east and Rajputana in the west.
  • On May 10, they released their imprisoned comrades, killed their officers and unfurled the banner of revolt.
  • Sepoy mutiny began at Meerut, on 10th May, 1857.
  • Eighty-five of them were sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment.
  • Ninety men of 3rd Native Cavalry at Meerut, refused to accept greased cartridges.
  • Mutiny started by Mangal Pandey, 34th Native Infantry on 29th March, 1857 at Barrackpur.
  • Greased wrapping paper of the cartridge of the new rifle had to be bitten off before loading and grease was reportedly made of beef and pig fat.
  • Reports about mixing of bone dust in atta (flour) and introduction of Enfield rifle influece the sentiment of sepoyes.
  • Revolt of 1857 in india causes leaders sepoy mutiny indian rebellion Beginning & Spread of the Revolt Immediate Cause
  • Sepoy, in fact, was a ‘peasant in uniform’, so torchers over peasants make them more unhappy.
  • indian mutiny of 1857

    They was discriminated against racially and in matters of promotion and privileges.Indian sepoy was made to feel a subordinate.Annexation of Awadh, home of many of the sepoys, further inflamed their feelings.Foreign service allowance (bhatta) when serving in Sindh or in Punjab was stopped.Hindu of the time, crossing the seas meant loss of caste.As per the Act recruits of Bengal Army have to give an undertaking to serve anywhere required by the government.1856, Lord Canning passed General Service Enlistment Act.Restrictions on wearing caste and sectarian marks.Conflict between conditions of service and religious beliefs of sepoys.British were seen to be not so strong and it was felt that they could be defeated.Revolt of 1857 coincided with certain outside events in which British suffered serious losses – 1st Afghan War, Punjab Wars and the Crimean Wars (1853-56).Government’s decision to tax mosque and temple lands and making laws such as the Religious Disabilities Act, 1856.

    indian mutiny of 1857

  • British attempts at socio-religious reform such as abolition of sati, support to widow-remarriage and women’s education were not acceptable to conservative sections.
  • Racial discrimination and superiority complex characterized British attitude towards the native Indian population.
  • Indian judges were not allowed to try criminal cases of Europeans.
  • indian mutiny of 1857

  • Huge corruption in the Company’s administration, especially among the police, officials and lower law courts, was a major cause.
  • British abolished many rulers title and pensions.
  • They one by one became victims of British expansionism.
  • Subsidiary alliance and Doctrine of Lapse policy hampered the interests of the rulers of the native states.
  • British expansionist policies, most of Raja’s, Nawab’s and zamindar’s, were either dispossessed or became subsidiary to the British.
  • In Awadh, storm centre of the revolt of 1857, 21,000 taluqdars suddenly found themselves without a source of income.
  • Zamindars, lost their lands and status in villages.
  • Ruin of Indian industry increased the pressure on agriculture and land.

  • Free Trade and refusal to impose protective duties against machine-made goods from Britain simply killed Indian manufacture.
  • Discriminatory tariff policy against Indian made products.
  • Annexation of Indian states by the Company cut off their major source of patronage.
  • Heavy Taxation on artisans and handicrafts.
  • Money-lenders and traders emerged as the new landlords.
  • indian mutiny of 1857

  • High land revenue disabled peasantry class.
  • Colonial policies destroyed the traditional economy of Indian society.
  • > Major Causes of Revolt of 1857 Economic Causes
  • Choice of Bahadur Shah as Symbolic Head.

  • Indian mutiny of 1857